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Our Services

Number Converter

A professional number converter tool created by Tech Rootify, supporting conversions between Decimal, Binary, Hexadecimal, and Octal.

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Subnet Calculator

Easily calculate subnet details like subnet mask, network address, broadcast address, IP range, block size, and more with this intuitive Subnet Calculator.

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QR Code Generator

This is a user-friendly QR Code Generator that lets you quickly create and share QR codes for any URL, all in a sleek, dark-themed design with smooth animations.

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About Us

At Tech Rootify, we're passionate about simplifying technology. Whether you're looking to boost your cybersecurity knowledge, develop new skills in IT, or explore the world of web development, we're here to help. Our goal is to provide hands-on learning, expert guidance, and valuable resources to help you grow in the tech world. Join us on the journey to mastering technology, one step at a time.

Contact Us

You are welcome to contact us on Instagram whenever you need assistance. We're always here to help!
